I’m off to NJ later today to give an artist talk at the Long Beach Island Foundation of Arts & Sciences. http://lbifoundation.org/displayproducts.asp?cid=952&pid=150 Apparently, I am the first in the series of artist talks/ pot lucks/ get-to-gethers. I will be gathering up some new work in progress. While thinking about the work it occurred to me a couple of things… the first being the influence of the painter/sculptor Ed McGowin. I had the opportunity to assist Ed in his studio when I was a student at Pratt Institute in the the early 1980’s. Ed’s diverse use of materials and narrative tableaus has shaped me through the years- without me even realizing it until very recently. I googled him yesterday, there he was with a fabulous website http://www.edmcgowin.com/

I have also been thinking alot about the use of narrative in my work- and how there is a continuity between past and present, the physical body, transcendence, faith and fear. Off to load up my car… more on this another time.

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