Sound Proof SOLD


2017, Acrylic and spray paint on ®Tyvek Vivana, 58 x 72”. 63 x 76” hung with dowels and cord.

Like the flotsam and jetsam that wash ashore entangled and intertwined, I am interested in our interconnectedness and how our individual stories are part of something larger than self. Life in and around our pond, as well as, nearby White Clay Creek where we hike is continually moving and changing with the weather, the seasons, as well as moment to moment. Constantly in flux, with life shifting above and below the surface, nets, webs, and nests are created with mixed media and found objects to hold, filter, and catch the minutiae of our lives.

Process and presence are part of an ongoing investigation and connection to something larger than self.

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Bouquet 2
Ways of Being #3
B Ware