Dreaming of Spring

Expressive watercolor of flowers in a spring garden at Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA

A Longwood Garden (detail), Watercolor pencils on paper, 16”x12”

Mid February and seasonally cold here in southeastern PA. Fortunately, we have Longwood Gardens a short drive away to keep us warm-and inspired! We celebrated my husband Scott’s birthday this week with a trip to Longwood and a special lunch at their newly opened restaurant 1906.

Orchid in Bloom, Acrylic, watercolor pencil, collage on paper, 12”x12”

A feast for all the senses! After lunch, we strolled through the Conservatory. There, we basked in the colors and fragrances of the orchids and lilies that lined the walkways. Feeling grateful for this respite prompted me to share these two works on paper from What’s in My Drawers.


Time Will Tell