Funny how we can find the threads that connect our work over the years.

Sifting through Life Drawing #09/11
11.25″ x 17″
Stabilo aquarelle on paper with gesso

Looking through my Ranch Camp Series from 20 years ago of Waialua, Hawaii to the Sifting through Life Nets I am working on, I see that it may be the shadows, fluidity, movement – or just trying to capture what really is only a fleeting moment in time.

Maybe it’s the flux that I find so interesting.

Note to my blog buddies and anyone else for that matter:  After our Skype talk yesterday about how we lable or talk about our work and the context it frames for others, I am trying on different titles for the nets that I have been making. Sifting through Life Nets- whaddya think? A little long? 

I feel like the search for Cinderella and the perfect fit.  HEY that brings me to find another thread and a not so different title for a series that I have.  Walks thru Life: Shoe Portraits

It’s all about the journey… and finding the grace along the way.

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